Estonia pst 5a
630 6508  ∕  5690 1707

Vene tn 6
5887 7165

Telliskivi 56
6733 965  ∕  5330 3390

Tallinna Rahvaülikool

Usume elukestvasse õppesse. Pakume teoreetilisi ja praktilisi kursusi erinevates eluvaldkondades.

Kontakt Liitu uudiskirjaga

Estonia pst 5a
630 6508  ∕  5690 1707

Vene tn 6
5887 7165

Telliskivi 56
6733 965  ∕  5330 3390


Liitu uudiskirjaga

About us

Tallinn Folk High School is an educational institution administered by Tallinn City Government. It offers every adult person possibilities for continued education in the form of theoretical and practical courses in Tallinn.

Our aim is to place a great value on life-long studies providing highly qualified schooling and also opportunities to get acquainted with new people, their ideas and experience.

The forerunner of Tallinn Folk High School was first opened in 1959. At present, there are approximately 90 experienced and inspiring teachers who teach at our courses every year. We provide about 300 courses every year to 3500 participants during the academic year.

We are delighted to offer courses in the following fields: culture and society, psychology and self-development, languages, art, handicrafts, nature and environment, health and beauty, cookery, computers and digital skills, theatre and drama, movement, dance and music.

The selection of courses is constantly changing, however some are repeated from year to year like several courses in art, calligraphy, handicrafts, learning to play musical instruments.

The majority of the courses are in Estonian, although time to time we run some in English and Russian.

The schooling takes place in the city centre – at 5A Estonia Avenue, at 6 Vene Street and 56 Telliskivi. In addition, we are now offering many courses via online.

Tallinn Folk High School has been assigned to the European Quality Mark (EQM) which designates a system which guarantees the quality of the educational institutions that provide unofficial education all over Europe. Quality is our priority.

Principles of the organisation of studies
+372 56 901 707