Estonia pst 5a
630 6508  ∕  5690 1707

Vene tn 6
5887 7165

Telliskivi 56
6733 965  ∕  5330 3390

Tallinna Rahvaülikool

Usume elukestvasse õppesse. Pakume teoreetilisi ja praktilisi kursusi erinevates eluvaldkondades.

Kontakt Liitu uudiskirjaga

Estonia pst 5a
630 6508  ∕  5690 1707

Vene tn 6
5887 7165

Telliskivi 56
6733 965  ∕  5330 3390


Liitu uudiskirjaga

Madelene Trang

Madelene lõpetas 2018. aastal 200-tunnise joogaõpetaja koolituse Pekingis, Taozi Tree joogastuudios. Sellest ajast peale on ta õpetanud Hiinas, Rootsis ja nüüd Eestis.

Madelene has dedicated herself to the practice, study and teaching of yoga since discovering its health benefits during her years living and working in China. In 2018 she completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training at Taozi Tree yoga studio in Beijing. Since then she has taught and shared her passion for yoga in China, Sweden and now in Estonia. She believes yoga can help bring calmness and balance to the mind, body and spirit.

Foto: Smilla Frykholm